wearable graphic scores for one acting singer
Touch-less comprises four graphic scores, respectively printed on the four sides of two giant gloves to be worn by the performer. This composition reflects on the idea of music score as a wearable theatrical prop; an idea that wishes to both envisage theatrical gestures as the outgrowth of music notation and epitomise the intangibility of music by means of 'ostented' dramaturgical objects. This work aims to provide a musico-theatrical synthesis able to merge text, music, theatre and design into a ‘score-prop’. This latter, in fact, acts as a visible bridge between performer and audience whilst, concomitantly, informing the theatrical gestures.
Dramatically, Touch-less evolves around four brief poems contemplating tangible and intangible worlds: the enormous gloves the character dons revel him/her the existence of untouchable realities, worlds of the imagination.
The narrative structure is open: the four graphic scores can be
performed in any order, allowing further theatrical possibilities.
Touch-less is extensively discussed in Touch-less: wearable music and the score-theatre, an academic article published on 'Studies in Musical Theatre Journal' (Francis & Taylor Edition), Volume 13, Issue 2. In this essay, Simone Spagnolo theorises the two main notions underpinning Touch-less's artistic intent: the idea of score-theatre and the notion of score-prop.
The article is available on Intellect Discover.
Premier Performance:
26th June 2015, SongArt Symposium
Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, London / UK
Premier Exhibition:
December 2014, GRIT Exhibition
Royal Court Theatre, London / UK